Hi! My name is Mr. Bergstein. Please travel with me to Costa Rica to study Sea Turtles!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Beginning

Hello Everyone,
This is the first of my blogs about my exciting adventure to the Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas in Costa Rica where I will be involved with tagging and identifying leatherback turtles. We will also be recording nest locations and keeping track of the hatchling success due to these locations. This project is run by the Earthwatch Institute which conducts research expeditions around the world centered around environmental issues. My participation on this expedition is generously sponsored by National Life Group. I will be leaving snowy Vermont on January 15 and returning the 25th. I will continue on with this blog as well as communicating with my classroom and the Fayston School via Skype. I hope you have a chance to enjoy this adventure with me.
Mr. B. - Doug Bergstein
